Our hard work has paid off – the California Supreme Court just upheld Proposition 8! Marriage in California has been validated by our highest Court as being only between a man and a woman. Our prayers have been answered!In Related Terrorists Attacks on America:
We owe a great debt of gratitude to you and our army of supporters. Without your help, this victory could not have been possible. You gave generously of your time and resources, and this victory is yours!
We also owe a great debt of gratitude to our outstanding attorneys who worked tirelessly preparing our briefs and argument before the California Supreme Court. Kenneth W. Starr and Andrew Pugno were our lead attorneys, and organized a strong contingent of attorneys who worked with them behind the scenes. They did a masterful job.
( email from info@protectmarriage.com )
The California Supreme Court upheld Prop. 8 by a 6-1 vote but ruled that the same sex marriages performed last year can stand.now to see how this plays out across america...
( cf Same-sex marriage ruling draws a crowd )