drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

ok, so maybe I need to become a Taibbi fan

Following the Republican Party of late has been a movingly depressing experience, sort of like watching Old Yeller die — if Old Yeller were a worm-infested feral bitch who spent the past eight years biting children at bus stops and shitting in neighborhood swimming pools. As a useful force in American politics, the Republicans have been dead for a while now. But in the seven months since Sarah Palin's nomination, they have taken on an intriguing new role: providing much-needed comic relief during dark times, serving as the unofficial rodeo clowns of the Financial Crisis Era.
[ cf The Class Clowns ( emphasis mine ) ]
But I still think that it is bad jiu-jiu to use Class Clown in any other context than holy idolatr for George Carlin.

I mean, kids these days...
Tags: republican_pron

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