drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Brutal NanciiPelosii Opression Of Freedom!

Are YOU still capable of being SHOCKED! Shocked To Fear!
GameStop Corp (GME.N) said on Thursday its same-store sales dropped more than expected in the last quarter and it lowered its full-year same-store sales forecast.

Shares in the video game retailer fell by as much as 17 percent in midday trading after forecasting another weak quarter of same-store sales, a measure of stores open at least a year.

"The real damage here is in the guidance," said Mike Hickey analyst at Janco Partners.

[ cf GameStop same store sales stumble ]
How can this BE?

Wasn't the Video Game Industry proof that the economy was Economical and that only those who hate freedom and are spreading defeatist rumours about the economy while stabbing our troops in the back could believe anything other than that Liberals Are Evil And Everything Is Coming Up Roses Because Deregulation and massive tax cuts lead the way to total victory and the Mission ACCOMPLISHED dance!!!!

All Hail RoboBushCheneyParis!!!
They Shiney!!!
And Fashionably Fashionable!!!

And not embarking on the Enronization of the gaming industry that could only occur because of the Evil Wicked Witch of The West and Her Death Dealing Voodoo Zombie Flying Monkey Death Squading Dust Bunnies Of Despair!!!

There would be no other way that it could have happened BUT that NanciiPelosii threatened to detain them in the super sekret death camps that liberals use to torture americans!!!

I mean, what else could explain the Enronization of Video Gaming???
Tags: bushcheney2008, economics, enron, they_did_what

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