The U.S. government will bring an al Qaeda suspect accused in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa from Guantanamo Bay to trial in New York, in the first prosecution of a detainee in a civilian U.S. court, a U.S. official said on Wednesday.What ARE they trying to do?
The U.S. government was expected to announce on Thursday that Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, accused of supplying equipment and support for the 1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania, would be brought to trial in federal court in New York, the official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
[ cf U.S. to prosecute Guantanamo detainee in NY-source }
They can not seriously mean to hand over a high value torture toy to mere civilians to have him prosecuted in a civilian criminal of law for mere civilian criminal crimes!!!
It is as if the Obamanation is Openly Stabbing The Troops in the back by not mandating the need for extra special Super Duper Serious Super-Size Me Military Tribunals of Only The Elect Of The Elect Hand Picked By GOD to know the True Gnostic Rules of Evidene!!!
I mean, what next? Allow America to slide into the abyss of the Reign of Law and not of personalities!!!!