drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Spot the What? ( Or even MORE proof that Nancii Pelosii Must Resign)

The Republican Party leader, who has struggled in his early months in power, declared an end on Tuesday to the party's search for answers to its problems and took aim at President Barack Obama.

"The honeymoon is over," said Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. "We are going to challenge those policies that we believe are wrong, and we are going to do so without apology and without a second thought."

"The era of Republican navel-gazing is over," said Steele, who was elected in January to lead the party. "We have turned the corner on regret, recrimination, self-pity and self-doubt."

"This popular politician is spending America into debt of such mammoth proportions that none of us can even begin to calculate it or really understand it," he said. "The numbers are so big that they seem impossible."
"While the chairman talks of moving forward, the very convention he's addressing will not focus on coming up with new ideas to create jobs and setting right what the party got wrong over the last eight years, but instead will revolve around name calling and the petty politics of the past," he said.

[ cf Republican Party leader takes on Obama ]

Was the GodlessEvilLiberalMediaSpawnOfSatan confused? I thot that there was some way to tell when they were shooting at nancii pelosii, and when they were getting uppity about the Uppity One...

But THANK GOD we are not going to have to worry about Ideas, now that we know that we have always been at war with the CIC in a time of transferring the tax liabilities unto the Future Normal UBU!
Tags: republican_pron

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