drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More True Americans Support Free Trade Of Somalia Pirates!

Mr. Will’s analysis could be extended to the Somalian pirate problem.

Like ticket scalpers, the pirates are entrepreneurs who intercede themselves into the transfer of goods from producer to end user, charging a premium for allowing the transfer to continue. Furthermore, piracy thrives because the Somalian market is unregulated to a degree that Mr. Will no doubt can only envy.

There’s the little detail that piracy is illegal under international law, but that’s just another form of market regulation that should be removed.

So, following Mr. Will’s argument, the international community should deal with Somalian piracy by legalizing it, with the hope that the free market would punish greed and keep the ransoms from getting to high.

[ cf Shorter George Will ]
Well, there you are.

The clear and compelling proof that only the CommieNationalSocialistMarxianistPhascists would oppose the free trade in free markets!
Tags: economics, republican_pron

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