drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

DMZ: drieuxish movie Zone

well one of my GOD HATING AMERICA BASHING associates gave me that tag, because he seems to believe that my approach to viewing films:
Two Films Enter!
One Films Leaves!
has that whole
Two Legs Good.
Four Legs Bad.
Return to the House Of Pain model of showing that only by the SURVIVAL OF THE FITEST can True Cinema Rise Above the Brutal Repression of Red Hollywood.

I would like to propose:
Dam Busters v. The Jane Austen Book Club
Since there are times when nothing says loving like massively HUGE bombing devices that are willing to put a bit of Spin on the Usual Struggle Against the Anti-Social Consequences of Capital Gains Taxes!

Because ...


so keep america american.
Tags: dmz

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