drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

TeaBagger Takes down Pharmacy...

Hum... so remind me again why the guy who up and caps a few folks and then caps themselves is NOT a TeaBagger taking it 'to the man'?

These are Harsh Times, so why not ask the Harsh Time Questions about what does it really take for the TeaBaggers to work out their own ideological poseur posturing.

Clearly since we know that Obama was palling around with the Chicago Seven, because he is from Chicago, how can it be that this shooter is not one of the TeaBaggers, since he is from Long Beach, and there are Known teaBaggers there...

Yes, if TeaBaggers want to shoot themselves in the foot and demand that they be judged by some Evil Sinister Communist Darkie Standard - then there might be some grounds to argue that some teaBaggers may be different.

But doesn't that mean that the TeaBaggers were suddenly demanding that we return to some kinder, gentler time, before they Raised Up The Holy Standard Of Going Galt....

I mean, should TeaBaggers be stabbing our troops in the back because the want to be judged by some Evil Sinister Communist Darkie Standard, rather than the best in Star Ship Trooper Fan Fic about all the torture you could ever want....

Remember, anything less and the Terrorists Rebrand....
Tags: republican_pron

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