This new Holy Trinity of right-wing basket cases has been pushing all sorts of crazy hallucinations of late, from Bachmann warning that the Americorps program would eventually be turned into a regime of forced re-education for American youth, to Beck’s meanderings about Obama creating FEMA-run concentration camps to warehouse conservative dissidents, to Norris and Beck stirring up talk of secessionist movements. And a lot of people are having fun with this, because, well, it’s funny. It’s like a Farrelly Brothers version of right-wing political agitation. But it’s also kind of sad.Well, there you have it.
[ cf The peasant mentality lives on in America ]
PROOF POSITIVE that Americorp is a Communist Fascist Obamanite Apostasy Spawned From The Burning Sulphour Pits of Cleveland where the Hell Spawn go to Hot Tub and schmooz on the way to the Apocalypse.