How can anyone feel safe knowing that they are giving away classified code words from the Military Industrial Complex to English Dictionary!!!
ZOMGZ!!! Liberals Stab Troops In Back By Releasing Highly Classified Material!
How can anyone feel safe knowing that they are giving away classified code words from the Military Industrial Complex to English Dictionary!!!
What if we had to be a nation of laws
First off a h/t to a dear fiend, for Crackdown on herd-share farms over certification which is such a classical attack of the FeeMarketeers meets…
why do folks forget the clinton years?
Essentially I agree with When The Magic Starts in that there is much that will need to be undone from the failure of the deregulation game that was…
Oil does not grow on trees.
Let us start from the premise that fossil fuels are not like renewable products such as fruits, vegetables and other forms of…
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