drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

how to make a $3Billion Profit on a $25 Billion Bailout...

Wells Fargo hit the jackpot. It was one of the first banks to get bailout funds - the biggest amount awarded in a single shot: $25 billion tax dollars.
[ cf Following The Bailout Money To Wells Fargo ]
WOW! Feb 2009.
Wells Fargo delivered a much-needed bit of good news for the banking sector Thursday, saying it expected to book a better-than-expected profit of approximately $3 billion in the most recent quarter.
[ cf Wells Fargo predicts a $3 billion profit ]

when they talk about the profit, Does that take into account the $25Billion?

Or is that too a part of the new FASBy Rules - where Fantasy Island is the Home of Ruby Rod!!!...

Ah yes, but clearly the new news is newsier!!!

And any day now we get to the negotiation part...
Tags: economics, republican_pron

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