drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

And the sun came up...

I think Sean Hannity must be looking over his shoulder at Glenn Beck these days and realizing that he really needs to start cranking up the Batmobile if he wants to keep up with that kind of crazy. So he did his best last night on his Fox show, with Dick "Suck On These" Morris doing the honors by schlepping the discussion right into Outer Wingnuttia.

You knew it was going to be surreal from the outset with Hannity sneering at Obama's handling of the auto-industry bailout as "commander and CEO," saying that Obama is "on a mission to hijack capitalism in favor of collectivism": "the Bolsheviks have already arrived."

[ cf Morris, Hannity agree: The black-helicopter crowd was right ]
Technically, you can always find winners over at orcinus.

But that
start cranking up the Batmobile

I mean what more obvious Evil Liberal Code word for
can one use to tell folks that things are getting freaky out there...
Tags: republican_pron

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