drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

TN: Get Your HunterKiller On, cause SkyNet Is Disco...

Yes Boys and NonPerkin, there is nothing like God's Divinely enhanced Homeland Security Investment Bubble. And the GodHatingAmericaBasher redlandish has the scratch A slightly better article.

The article he refers to is the progression out of using manned air craft, to providing better Reapers.

Granted these are still remotely controlled system with highly paid welfare queens of the Defense Department at the stick, rather than more Cost Effective, and Corporately Loyal, AI units... we can only hope that as more people support the War President to support the War Profits that we can end the dark days of Welfare Queens in the Department of defense...

Are YOU doing your part to bring on the Terminators?

{ hey kids, would this be a better memewar, if we can win the fight for totally automated war - you know, like, well MicroSmurf War 3.0, where we get to pay and pay and pay for upgrades that never really work. But it is better because we are paying a private sector for nonviability, rather than some repressive DickCheney Regulator Welfare State Queenist!!! }
Tags: memewar, republican_pron, war

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