drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Into To Godless Unamerican Math

Let us start out with some basic assertions:
P1: a = (b + c)
P2: bX = T
p3: cX = P
do we have enough information to be able to solve for a value of
I say 'a value', rather than 'the one true and only value', since, as any GODLESS America Bashing liberal will note, we couuld assert
aX = (bX + cX)
based upon nothing MORE than the God Hating America bashing 'distributive property'. { you are tall perkin, google it, and suffer the crushing pain of godless math. }

There are also persons who would carry the matter on to assert
aX = (T + P)
and this too would be designates as a viable answer.

But the question we have to ask is:
Where is the axiom
Capital Gains Taxes Cause Gay HomoZeXual Marriage Agendanistaa
without which the whole process is merely God hating america bashing that asserts godlessneff....

Ah yes... granted if we had asserted what the sum of T and P would map to, then we could have a more closed system where things were reducible, by first principles, to singular tokenization... But since none of it was in Binary Encoded Roman Numerals, does it really matter?
Tags: geek_stuff, republican_pron

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