drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Dubya Stabs DearOldDick In The Back...

A surprising split -- or perhaps a chasm -- appearing now between the former White House team of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, who seemed so solidly in sync for eight years.
[ cf Bush refuses to criticize Obama, says 'essential' to help him; split with Cheney grows ]
well, there you have it!!!

When the War President is not willing to support DearOldDick, we have to wonder what short of HORRIFIC Gay HomoZeXual Marriage Agendanista was DearOldDick????

Can it BE? Dare We Even Say It:
DearOldDick Caused The Market Kollapse With Excessive Brutal Extremist Governmental Regulation Of The Financial Sector!!! Since clearly only Excessive Brutal Extremist Governmental Regulation can cause unHappyNeff in the Market!!!


DearOldDick Is the New Jessey James, as a Brutal Regulator!!! Just like in the movie Young Guns where we learn that Regulators turn inevitably to a life of Crime, Corruption, and really campy acting...

What ever can we do????

What Can a Nation Due when their Not a Part of The Executive, but a part of the War Presidency for purposes of the legal immunities, goes off the Rez and reverts to merely bad acting....
Tags: economics, republican_pron

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