drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Snivelling Whiners...

I must confess to finding this while ( check out WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ) since it is slowly becoming clear to some of the poor and unfortunate folks who clearly able to barely make $250K of taxable income, that they are being sooooo persecuted....

Which is really funny - since, uh, they were always wanting to be the rich kids, and loved the cool 'status politics' of play acting like they were the Plutocrats and Trust Fund Babies... and now... gosh, they just do not have the where withall to get out of the way of the great evil tax monster....

And of course the IDEOLOGY is that they will be prevented from working harder because of the limited marginal gains that they will make, because the marginal rate of return will go up....

UH, yeah.

Remind me again, how many of them stressed out over going over the 'line' to get into the $250K taxable income bracket, and that they would now have to pay a tax accountant to deal with the combinations of 1099(*) forms and the other evil things that forces one beyond the happy place below the MTA rates....

Uh yeah, as if.

Hum... What if the real problem here is that they are no longer considered 'the cool kids' who are all a part of the more Pro-War than ever before crowd, except for the part that they would serve, but have to stay and actively manage their portfolio....

Now remind me again about how all of that is suppose to keep working out in the wash....

You know, that they create jobs - which is why the job market is so great - and... uh... they do it for the patriotism... yeah... uh the patriotism....

I am so crying.

Ok, so I can cry louder, I have already shipped out the package to the tax accountant and HATE THE GODLESS EVIL LIBERALS who have made the possibilities of a capital gains tax less of a THREAT.... GRRRRRRRRRR.....
Tags: republican_pron

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