drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

They are SOOO Evil...

The euro fell to a 10-week low against the dollar after Moody’s Investors Service said it may downgrade a number of banks with units in Eastern Europe, reigniting concern about financial turmoil in the region.

The euro also weakened against 14 of the 16 major currencies on speculation its recent declines triggered automatic sell orders. The pound dropped versus the yen on concern a U.K. report today will show inflation slowed due to the economic slump, giving the Bank of England more room to cut interest rates.

“The financial turbulence in central and Eastern Europe is likely to persist,” said Masafumi Yamamoto, head of foreign- exchange strategy for Japan at Royal Bank of Scotland in Tokyo and a former Bank of Japan currency trader. “The markets may perceive this as a factor to sell the euro.”

[ cf Euro Falls to 10-Week Low on Concern Europe’s Turmoil to Worsen ]

There you go, the whole Strong Dollar Policy is Strong! And Dollar, And Policy!!!

Proof that everyone understands that we are SOOO winning TheWar! which of course as we all know, is the only real way that the last depression was defeated, with the strong military strength of a Military Ever Strengthened to defeat the evil ones who had put the economy in a depression with their godless unamericanism!

So clearly we are SOOOO much more winning TheWar than anyone else!!!

But that is to be expected.

God Loves US!
Tags: republican_pron

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