I mean when they are openly attacking the president with lines like
"We were not studying the relaxation response in this study," said Mr. Bensen. "We were studying the extension of that. Could external prayer perhaps do the same thing? In this particular study, we did not find that was the case."which is clearly IslamoCommie Propoganda trying to Undermine the Fighting Will Of Our Valiant Fighting Forces By SAVAGELY ATTACKING THEIR LEADER!!!
Are YOU as shocked as I am that this is occuring? I mean, I am just SHOCKED!!! SHOCKED I tell you that Organizations like Voice Of America has become a beacon of IslamoCommie Propoganda, and I bet you there are super sekret special sauce messages to the Various InternationalZionistBolshivikiBankingKon
Those Sick Degenerate God Hating Atheistic Asiatic InternationalZionistBolshivikiBankingKon
Only By DEFEATING the Iranian Flying Saucer Technology Related Activities Programs will americans be able to sleep safe in their beds no longer threated by any of the Actual Real Imaginary Weapons that might fall into the hands of those Sick Degenerate God Hating Atheistic Asiatic InternationalZionistBolshivikiBankingKon