drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Throbbing And Tumultuous Tubor Of Male Masucline Manliness!!!

Ok, so I just love being able to pull the conversion tool out of the old SVN, and running it over the text, and STILL GETTING THE SAME OLD OUTPUT!!!!

The international sound of Complete Global Domination by the Evil Engineer, who cares less about mere scientific data, and wants IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFIC DETAILS, that establish consistent and continuous total quality GLOBAL DOMINATION!!!!
Remember boys and NonPerKin, when it comes to GLOBAL DOMINATION, screw the engineers, they understand the implementation specific details, and it is not merely a theoretically viable screwing...

GANTT chart not included, offer void where prohibited by law, or the specifications do not pass the COMPLETE MIND BOGGLING Giggle Factor.
Tags: geek_stuff

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